
Circularise whitepaper - Smart Questioning technology

In this whitepaper we present Circularise, a system that facilitates the knowledge transfer required for a circular economy to function. Circularise utilises a combination of blockchain, peer-to-peer technology and cryptographic techniques like Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) to build a decentralised information storage and communication platform. The goal is to allow information exchange between participants in value chains while allowing them to remain anonymous and fine-tune the amount of information they want to disclose, and who can access it. Despite the anonymity, the platform contains built-in mechanisms for keeping participants accountable, thus disincentivising the spreading of untruthful information, and for allowing parties to share verifiable information without compromising their anonymity, in a way that requires none of the involving parties to trust one another. Furthermore, participants remain responsible for information pertaining their products questions that become important in the future to be answered about products that were produced in the past.

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