- Carbon Offset: A reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases made to compensate for emissions elsewhere.
- Circular Economy: An economic system aimed at minimizing waste and making the most of resources by reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products.
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A company's commitment to manage its social, environmental, and economic effects responsibly.
- Conflict Minerals: Natural resources extracted in conflict zones, the trade of which may finance armed groups or contribute to human rights abuses (e.g., tin, tantalum, tungsten, and gold).
- Digital Product Passport (DPP): A digital record containing detailed information about a product’s materials, environmental impact, and lifecycle. It aims to enhance transparency, facilitate recycling, and support the circular economy.
- Due Diligence: A process businesses undertake to identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for actual and potential adverse impacts of their operations.
- Emission Trading System (ETS): A market-based approach to controlling pollution by providing economic incentives for reducing the emissions of pollutants.
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): A process that evaluates the environmental effects of a proposed project or development.
- Greenwashing: The act of providing misleading or false claims about the environmental benefits of a product, service, or practice.
- Net Zero: Achieving a balance between the greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere and those removed from it.
- Polluter Pays Principle: A principle stating that those who produce pollution should bear the costs of managing it to prevent damage to human health or the environment.
- Sustainable Development: Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
- Supply Chain Transparency: The disclosure of information about the sourcing, production, and distribution processes to ensure sustainability and ethical practices.
Abbreviations for Key EU and International Legislation
EU Legislation
- EU ETS: European Union Emissions Trading System
- CSRD: Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
- SFDR: Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
- EU Taxonomy: EU Taxonomy Regulation (for sustainable activities)
- RED II: Renewable Energy Directive II
- LULUCF: Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry Regulation
- EIA Directive: Environmental Impact Assessment Directive
- ESPR: Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
- EUDR: EU Deforestation Regulation
- CS3D or CSDDD: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
International Legislation
- UNFCCC: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Paris Agreement: Paris Climate Agreement
- CBD: Convention on Biological Diversity
- Kyoto Protocol: Kyoto Protocol to the UNFCCC
- ILO C169: Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention
- SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals
Abbreviations for Regulatory Bodies
EU Bodies
- EC: European Commission
- EEA: European Environment Agency
- ECHA: European Chemicals Agency
- ESMA: European Securities and Markets Authority
- EIB: European Investment Bank
International Bodies
- UN: United Nations
- IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- WTO: World Trade Organization
- IMO: International Maritime Organization
- FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization
- IUCN: International Union for Conservation of Nature
- IFC: International Finance Corporation
Additional Frameworks and Standards
- ISO: International Organization for Standardization (e.g., ISO 14001 for Environmental Management Systems).
- ISCC: International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (a certification system for sustainable supply chains).
Alphabetical Glossary of Legal Terms in EU Law
- Acquis Communautaire:
- Definition: The complete body of EU law, encompassing treaties, regulations, directives, decisions, and case law.
- Binding Nature: Binding on all EU member states.
- Applies To: Member states must comply with and implement the acquis into their national law.
- Article:
- Definition: A specific provision or clause within EU treaties, regulations, or directives that outlines legal obligations or rights.
- Binding Nature: Binding depending on the context (treaty articles are binding on member states).
- Applies To: Member states and EU institutions must adhere to articles within treaties.
- Charter of Fundamental Rights:
- Definition: A document that enshrines the fundamental rights and freedoms protected in the EU, including civil, political, economic, and social rights.
- Binding Nature: Binding on the EU institutions and member states when implementing EU law.
- Applies To: EU institutions, member states, and individuals within the EU.
- Cohesion Policy:
- Definition: An EU policy aimed at promoting economic, social, and territorial cohesion by addressing disparities between regions.
- Binding Nature: The policy itself is not binding, but specific funding programs and regulations under it can be binding.
- Applies To: Member states receiving EU funding and regional authorities.
- Common Commercial Policy:
- Definition: The EU's policy governing trade with non-EU countries, including trade agreements and negotiations.
- Binding Nature: Binding on member states in terms of trade agreements negotiated by the EU.
- Applies To: Member states and EU institutions involved in external trade.
- Competition Law:
- Definition: Regulations and policies that prevent anti-competitive behavior and promote fair competition within the EU.
- Binding Nature: Binding on all member states and enterprises operating in the EU.
- Applies To: Businesses and member states must comply with competition regulations.
- Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU):
- Definition: The highest court in the EU, responsible for interpreting EU law and ensuring its uniform application across member states.
- Binding Nature: Its rulings are binding on all member states and institutions of the EU.
- Applies To: Member states, EU institutions, and sometimes individuals in cases of direct actions.
- Decision:
- Definition: A binding legal act that is addressed to specific individuals or entities, requiring compliance with its terms.
- Binding Nature: Binding on those to whom it is addressed.
- Applies To: Specific entities or individuals as specified in the decision.
- Directive:
- Definition: A legislative act that sets out goals that member states must achieve, allowing them flexibility in how to implement it into national law.
- Binding Nature: Binding on member states in terms of achieving the goals; the method of implementation is left to the states.
- Applies To: Member states must transpose directives into national law within a set timeframe.
- EU Regulation:
- Definition: A binding legislative act that must be applied uniformly across all member states without the need for national implementation.
- Binding Nature: Fully binding and directly applicable.
- Applies To: All member states without exception.
- Fundamental Rights:
- Definition: Basic human rights protected under EU law, primarily detailed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.
- Binding Nature: Binding on EU institutions and member states when implementing EU law.
- Applies To: Individuals within the EU and institutions.
- Interinstitutional Agreement:
- Definition: An agreement between the EU's institutions that governs their relations and procedural matters.
- Binding Nature: Generally binding on the institutions involved but not on member states.
- Applies To: EU institutions like the Parliament and the Commission.
- Judgment:
- Definition: A formal decision made by the CJEU or national courts concerning the interpretation or application of EU law.
- Binding Nature: Binding on the parties involved and can set precedent for future cases.
- Applies To: EU member states and institutions as well as national courts.
- Member State:
- Definition: A country that is a member of the European Union, bound by EU laws and regulations.
- Binding Nature: Member states are legally obligated to comply with EU law.
- Applies To: All member states.
- Opinion:
- Definition: A formal expression of the CJEU on the interpretation of EU law, often provided in response to inquiries from national courts.
- Binding Nature: Non-binding but highly influential on national courts and institutions.
- Applies To: National courts and EU institutions.
- Regulation:
- Definition: A type of legislation that has general application, is binding in its entirety, and directly applicable in all member states.
- Binding Nature: Fully binding and directly applicable.
- Applies To: All member states.
- Resolution:
- Definition: A non-binding document adopted by the European Parliament, expressing its views or positions on specific issues.
- Binding Nature: Non-binding.
- Applies To: Member states and EU institutions as guidance but not obligatory.
- State Aid:
- Definition: Financial support provided by governments to businesses that may distort competition within the EU's internal market.
- Binding Nature: Subject to EU rules, with mandatory reporting and approval procedures.
- Applies To: Member states providing aid to companies.
- Subsidiarity:
- Definition: A principle stating that the EU should act only when objectives cannot be sufficiently achieved by member states alone.
- Binding Nature: A guiding principle rather than a binding law.
- Applies To: EU institutions and member states in the legislative process.
- Supplementing Act:
- Definition: A legal instrument that complements or adds to existing EU legislation by providing additional detail or implementation mechanisms.
- Binding Nature: Binding in nature, as it must be applied alongside the main legislation.
- Applies To: Member states and relevant EU institutions.
- Treaty:
- Definition: A formal agreement between EU member states that forms the legal basis of the EU, including foundational documents like the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).
- Binding Nature: Binding on member states once ratified.
- Applies To: All member states.
- White Paper:
- Definition: An official report that outlines proposals for future EU legislation or policy directions.
- Binding Nature: Non-binding but can influence future legislation.
- Applies To: Policymakers and stakeholders within the EU framework.
Glossary of EU institutions
European Parliament (EP)
- Function: Legislative body that represents EU citizens and is directly elected by them. It shares legislative power with the Council of the EU and has budgetary and supervisory functions over the Commission.
- Location: Strasbourg, France; Brussels, Belgium; Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
- Binding Nature: Its decisions are binding on EU member states, particularly in the context of legislation.
Council of the European Union (Council of Ministers)
- Function: Represents member state governments. It shares legislative power with the Parliament and coordinates policies among member states.
- Location: Brussels, Belgium.
- Binding Nature: Decisions are binding on member states.
European Commission
- Function: The executive body responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding EU treaties, and managing the EU's budget.
- Location: Brussels, Belgium.
- Binding Nature: Proposals and decisions are binding on member states upon adoption.
European Council
- Function: Comprises the heads of state or government of member states, along with the Commission President and the High Representative. It provides strategic direction for the EU.
- Location: Brussels, Belgium.
- Binding Nature: Its conclusions are not legally binding but guide EU policies.
Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
- Function: Ensures the uniform interpretation and application of EU law across member states. It adjudicates disputes between member states and EU institutions.
- Location: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
- Binding Nature: Rulings are binding on member states and EU institutions.
European Central Bank (ECB)
- Function: Manages the euro and formulates monetary policy for the Eurozone, ensuring price stability and overseeing banking supervision.
- Location: Frankfurt, Germany.
- Binding Nature: Its decisions are binding on member states within the Eurozone.
European Court of Auditors
- Function: Responsible for auditing the EU's finances and ensuring that EU funds are used effectively and in accordance with applicable laws.
- Location: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
- Binding Nature: Reports inform the Parliament and Council but are not binding.
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
- Function: A consultative body that represents organized civil society, providing opinions on EU policies and legislation.
- Location: Brussels, Belgium.
- Binding Nature: Opinions are non-binding but influential in the legislative process.
Committee of the Regions (CoR)
- Function: Represents regional and local authorities in the EU, providing a voice for sub-national levels of government in EU policymaking.
- Location: Brussels, Belgium.
- Binding Nature: Opinions are non-binding but important for regional perspectives.
European Investment Bank (EIB)
- Function: Provides finance and expertise for sustainable investment projects that contribute to EU policy objectives.
- Location: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
- Binding Nature: Operates independently, but its financial decisions have significant implications for member states.
European External Action Service (EEAS)
- Function: The EU's diplomatic service that supports the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy in conducting foreign affairs and security policy.
- Location: Brussels, Belgium.
- Binding Nature: Works to implement the foreign policy as determined by the European Council.
European Ombudsman
- Function: Investigates complaints about maladministration in EU institutions and bodies.
- Location: Strasbourg, France.
- Binding Nature: Recommendations are non-binding, but institutions must respond.
European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
- Function: Ensures that EU institutions respect the right to privacy and protects personal data.
- Location: Brussels, Belgium.
- Binding Nature: Its opinions are non-binding but serve as important guidelines for EU bodies.
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Differences between regulations and directives, regional and international law, and a case study on ESPR!